There are several reasons why an injury in the workplace should be reported right away to insurance companies:
  1. It can provide employees with better medical care
  2. A more efficient accident investigation will be opened on the employee's file
  3. The employee will have better contact with medical providers
  4. The employer will have better communication with the injured employee
Costs and fees must be considered - especially fines that can be imposed for lack of reporting injuries as soon as they occur. It is possible to avoid these fines if proper notice is given when an employee is injured. With the many moving parts, reporting an injury right away becomes more seamless with a company like Lightico that allows workers’ compensation providers to help meet their customers’ growing digital needs. Insurance providers should enable companies to file claims on behalf of their employees in a way that employees today have come to expect. In this blog, we will explore the reasons why organizations should report an injury promptly and we will investigate the process for reporting an injury, the timing, and the steps involved. Try the Interactive Demo

The Right Time to Report an Injury? Right Away.

It is best to report an injury as soon as it occurs for the following reasons: Better Medical Care Employees are offered better medical care if they report their injury in a timely manner. Services, such as SFM workers compensation, give immediate care by providing access to a nurse by phone when reporting an injury. This type of care ensures that employees are given the appropriate treatment. Better Accident Investigation Reporting an injury quickly allows for a timely investigation to determine the causes of the accident, helping to prevent them from occurring to more employees in the future. It is best to begin the investigation as soon as an injury occurs to obtain the best and most accurate statements from the employee, the employer, and the bystanders who witnessed the event. This, in turn, can prevent misstatements in the accident report before the employee forgets the details of what happened. Furthermore, a thorough investigation can uncover the possibility of fraud being undertaken by an employee. Better Contact with Medical Providers If an employer is aware of an employee’s injury, the employer can be proactive by outlining work restrictions even before the employee undergoes treatment. Moreover, the employer can inform the medical provider of the type of work the employee is doing to ensure proper reporting is done on the healthcare provider’s end. Better Communication with Injured Employees By reporting an injury right away, employers will have the opportunity to communicate with their employees and gain assurance that they won’t be replaced while on medical leave. Many employees tend to turn to the legal system due to fear that their employer will replace them due to an injury - reporting promptly improves communication and helps avoid such issues.

What is a First Report of Injury in Workers’ Compensation?

It is up to the employer to file a “First Report of Injury” with either their injured employee or their representative and to submit it to their insurance company. A First Report of Injury is to be completed either when the injury is sustained, upon notice by the employee, or within 8 days of the employee’s absence from work. The report amalgamates information on the claimant, employer, insurance carrier, and medical practitioner that is required to begin the claims process.

Process for Reporting an Injury: Timing and Steps

Any injury that can be claimed through workers’ compensation should be reported right away. This applies to minor injuries as well. Employers are held accountable to report injuries quickly and accurately by their insurance policies. If not done quickly and correctly, their insurance coverage can be at risk. Moreover, any misinformation can have severe consequences on the employer’s health, treatment, and outcomes. The steps involved in reporting an injury include filling out the First Report of Injury Form. While this form varies between geographic location, there are five key pieces of information that are ubiquitously required to complete the form: 1. Name 2. Social Security Number 3. Date of Injury 4. Wage Information 5. Type of Injury and Body Part Affected Once the report has been filled out, it is a collaborative process by the employer, insurance company, employee, lawyers, and health care providers to ensure the worker’s safe and timely return to work.

The Right time to report an injury is immediately

By ensuring that employees’ injuries are reported right away, they receive better medical treatment and have a quicker and easier recovery. Reporting an injury right away is therefore best for your organization and its employees. By reporting an injury promptly, the employee has better health outcomes, allowing them to return to work in good health, and in a timelier manner. It is therefore a no-brainer that the process of filling out a first report of injury should be streamlined by a company such as Lightico, to digitize the first report of injury in worker’s compensation cases. To learn more about Lightico's eSignature, eForms, document collection, visit Try the Interactive Demo

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